A technique for treating presbyopia, which consists in modifying the shape of the cornea with the help of the femtosecond laser and the excimer laser. Through a personalized treatment, it offers a good visual acuity without glasses, by maintaining the depth of the field of vision and allowing readjustment for all distances.
As we get older, the lens inside the eye loses its ability to accommodate, that is, the ability to change shape which allows us to see clearly at all distances. As a result, there is a need to wear glasses for near, and later for distance vision as well.
PRESBYOND is the laser procedure that helps you get rid of glasses when you have presbyopia and consists in changing the shape of the cornea, so that you can see without glasses both at distance and near, in most situations.
PRESBYOND is a personalized treatment, a sophisticated laser intervention, which increases the depth of focus (Extended Depth Of Focus) lost or diminished due to presbyopia, so that the diopter correction allows both eyes to see together at a distance, intermediate and reading. Thus, independence from glasses is obtained, in most of the daily activities.
The first clinic in Romania where you can benefit from this surgery is Ama Optimex Eye Clinic, in Bucharest. The first accredited doctors in Romania to do this technique are Dr. Andrei Filip, Dr. Miruna Nicolae and Assoc. Prof. Mircea Filip.

What does the PRESBYOND laser procedure do in particular?
PRESBYOND is a new approach to refractive surgery that allows us to perform a personalized treatment and gain independence from glasses in most situations by a safe laser technique.
Benefits of PRESBYOND laser surgery:
the treatment is customized for each patient, following multiple pre-surgical investigations and tests;
independence from glasses in most situations, the vision is good at all distances;
the surgical technique is the least invasive of all surgical options for presbyopia, following the same protocol as the FemtoLASIK technique, a safe procedure performed over 30 years, all over the world;
results are immediate, vision is good after surgery and improves as the days go by.

Who is a good candidate for PRESBYOND laser surgery?
People who have reached the age of presbyopia, meaning 40 years old, who must wear glasses both at distance and near (myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism) and want to get rid of the glasses.
Only the doctor can tell you whether or not you are a suitable candidate for this Presbyopia treatment using the laser blended vision technique, after a specific consultation and set of investigations.

Can PRESBYOND be an option for me?
It is important to understand that presbyopia affects all people at some point in their lives. There is a variety of options for presbyopia correction, ranging from glasses, contact lenses, to laser surgery and replacing the lens with a multifocal artificial one. To find out what options are suited in your case and which is best for you and your lifestyle, we look forward to a consultation.

What Investigations Are Required Before surgery?
To determine if you are a suitable candidate for a PRESBYOND laser procedure, you should perform a set of specific ophthalmologic investigations, targeted on several anatomical features of your eyes:
automated refraction and keratometry;
visual acuity with the best optical correction for distance and near;
pupillary and corneal diameters;
Corneal topography;
Pentacam corneal tomography;
Corneal pachymetry;
Biometry with IOL Master 500;
Posterior segment examination
visual field exam;
intraocular pressure;
cycloplegia using drops. Attention!! Driving is not recommended after dilating drops have been administered.
Following these investigations and by correlating the results, your doctor will advise you on the best solution for you.
Who is not a candidate for this surgery?
You are not a good candidate for laser presbyopia correction if you:
have keratoconus, irregular astigmatism, suspected glaucoma or high intraocular pressure;
have any residual, recurrent or active eye disease;
you have previously had corneal surgery of any kind of surgery performed on the eye to be treated;
Dry eye syndrome that cannot be treated or does not responds to treatment;
have an autoimmune condition, connective tissue disease or diabetes, a history of herpes simplex or herpes zoster keratitis? After the evaluation, the doctor will make the recommendations accordingly;
you sustain chronic treatment with systemic medication that affects wound closure and healing, such as corticosteroids or antimetabolic agents;
you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
How is Presbyond laser blended vision performed?
The surgical technique of laser presbyopia correction is in fact femtosecond LASIK surgery, a procedure that has proven safe and effective over the years, the difference to PRESBYOND is how the optic correction is made in each eye.
At first, you are prepared by using anesthetic drops (local topical anesthesia) and a device is placed on your eye in order to keep it open during surgery. The intervention has 5 steps:
1. The femtosecond laser is used to create the flap in the outer layer of the cornea
2. You are moved under the excimer laser
3. The ophthalmologist opens the flap with a special spatula and raises it
4. The optical correction is made using the excimer laser, by remodeling the exposed corneal bed
5. The surgeon repositions the flap
The procedure takes about 15 minutes and is done in both eyes during the same session. Next, you are free to go home and return for follow-up the next day.
Advantages of femtosecond laser use
The flap, with a thickness and shape determined individually, is cut with maximum accuracy by the femtosecond laser, meaning that a few microns accuracy is achieved without touching the cornea outside the target area;
Extreme precision of the computer-controlled laser incision allows for high-precision surgery;
postoperative pain is often very low;
no scars appear on the corneas visible to the naked eye, but the edge of the flap may be visible under biomicroscope;
short recovery time.
The surgical plan is made using the Presbyond Zeiss software implemented into the excimer laser, allowing for precise reshaping of the cornea in order to correct the desired diopters.

How will I feel after surgery?
The first follow-up is done immediately after the intervention. After about 30 minutes of resting with the eyes closed, the doctor will check the flap position before you are free to leave the clinic. Then you can go home, preferably accompanied by someone of your choosing, because you will not be able to drive. You also need to wear sunglasses when going outside.
Normally, this procedure does not hurt, but on the first day you might experience mild burning, sometimes even stinging, photophobia, more abundant tearing than normal.
In principle, your vision stabilizes immediately after surgery and improves during the following day, but you may have fluctuations of your vision during the first period.
What should I do after surgery?
For a month:
The most important thing is to follow the doctor’s instructions and let the clinic staff know if you think the recovery is not normal;
follow strictly the treatment prescribed by your doctor
do the follow-ups your physician has recommended;
wear quality sunglasses when leaving the house;
wear protective goggles during sleep to avoid rubbing your eyes involuntarily;
follow the hygiene rules (wash / disinfect your hands before you apply your treatment or put your hands near the eyes) – In case of laser treatments, the infections are rare, depending on hygiene and treatment compliance;
wipe your eyes with sterile napkins;
avoid eye contact with water (you should wash your head like at the hairdresser) or other substances, different from the drops prescribed by your doctor;
if visual comfort allows, you can watch TV, work on your computer and read right after surgery.

What should I not do after surgery?
The first month after surgery, the following are prohibited:
rubbing your eyes;
high physical effort, intense sports activities;
eye contact with water or other substances that can cause irritation or infection;
facial cosmetic treatments, makeup, cream around the eyes, hair dyeing;
going to the pool, sauna, solarium, sea, beach;
areas with abundant dust.
Access postoperative instructions here
How long does postoperative treatment last?
The treatment lasts for about 3 weeks, depending on the evolution and physician’s recommendation, this period may be subject to change.
How will I see after the Presbyond laser procedure?
Immediately after surgery, vision is good and continues to improve every day. However, in the early days, there is a mild discomfort and variations in visual acuity. In the first few weeks, even months, vision fluctuations may occur, but you can go to work, and you can resume most of your current activities. The period of neuroadaptation lasts for about 4-6 months, during which the brain will be able to compose the images obtained from each eye, and the sight will become good both at distance and for reading.
It is very important to understand that postoperatively the vision will be different when perceived with each eye separately, so the dominant eye will see well at distance and intermediate, and the nondominant eye will see well at near and intermediate.
Sometimes it may be necessary to temporarily wear glasses during the healing period until the refractive stabilization is achieved. There are situations where some people may need to wear glasses even after a period of neuro-adaptation, in particular situations, when they are tired, when reading very small characters or in low light, when driving (for example on long distances, in low light and contrast conditions, at night, etc.).

What are Presbyond’s risks?
Complications associated with this procedure are very rare, using the femtosecond laser to create the flap further reducing the associated risks. Currently, we can say that PRESBYOND surgery is a very safe procedure for becoming spectacle independent. Thus, the complications that may occur are:
dry eye syndrome;
decreased night vision (halos) may occur especially in the first months after surgery; it rarely remains permanent;
sensitivity to light appears quite rare, however, some patients experience photophobia, which is transient, rarely remains permanent;
corneal ectasia;
corneal folds;
retinal damage;
epithelial invasion under the flap;
incomplete flap creation and / or inability to perform the operation;
loss of corneal transparency;
the need for corneal transplantation;
loss of vision;
accommodative spasm;
regression of diopters;
increased intraocular pressure following treatment with substances used intra and / or postoperatively;
the patient’s inability to overlap the images received from each eye and to adapt to the new situation, in which case it is necessary to wear glasses.
ATTENTION, in the event of complications, it is important to notify the clinic staff as a matter of urgency and your cooperation in administering the treatment and in following the doctor’s recommendations is extremely important!!
Can I lose my eyesight?
The risk of losing eyesight is real after any surgery! As long as the ophthalmologist is experienced, works with high-end technology and you follow all the recommendations received, the laser surgery has a very high degree of safety, over 99%, and the risk of vision loss is extremely low, below 1: 1000000.
Laser diopter correction has a very high success rate, is easily tolerated by the patient and the healing is fast.
When do I have to come for follow-up?
Compulsory follow-ups are done in the first 24 hours and after 7 days postoperatively, then at 1 month or 3 months, 6 or 12 months, depending on the need or the doctor’s recommendation. Total
recovery may take up to a few months, depending on each person, and postoperative recovery is favorable in most cases.

How stable are the diopters after PRESBYOND?
The body is in a permanent and continuous change, and this type of surgery seeks to compensate for the unpleasant visual effects induced by age-related changes of the lens. From this we understand that as long as the lens modifications are ongoing until cataract appears, the diopters can change over time. At this stage of life, from the corneal point of view, the diopter regression occurs rarely, but the incidence of regression increases as the corrected diopters are higher.
If refractive changes occur, the doctor will determine if another surgery is necessary or if a new procedure can be performed, called enhancement
Cataract surgery after PRESBYOND?
Over 70% of healthy people will develop cataract after 65-70 years or later. However, there are rare situations in which this condition may also occur at younger ages.
Currently, the only method of treating cataract is surgery, where the surgeon replaces the opaque lens with an artificial one.
If cataract occurs in a person who has already had PRESBYOND surgery, the doctor will determine after a consultation and a set of investigations what kind of artificial lens will be appropriate for that person, including the possibility to keep the benefits provided by PRESBYOND after having cataract surgery.
If you are interested in Presbyond laser procedure, you can find the Presbyond price details here: